The King’s Table is a missional congregation of the REMIX Foursquare Church in Charlestown, New Hampshire. The population we are serving (adults with physical, intellectual, and/or emotional challenges) are usually on a fixed or limited income. Therefore, we do not ask the King’s Table members to give tithes and offerings to support the ministry. Instead, we operate on an entirely donation and volunteer basis only. Monies are needed to purchase teaching materials, out of pocket expenses associated with our service meetings, assistance with day trip and camp expenditures, purchase of The King’s Table member shirts, Bibles, and to provide some scholarships for The King’s Table camp outings.
We appreciate your financial assistance in being able to carry out this very much needed
and valuable ministry to one of the most unreached people groups in New England.   
IMPORTANT: (1) Please click on the purple “My King’s Table Donation” button below. (2) Then, click on the words “Select Fund” and (3) choose “King’s Table” from the drop-down menu. (4) follow the remaining instructions within the REMIX Church Giving App to complete donation. Thank you.
Kindly use the following secure link to make donations to The King’s Table:
This secure link is tied to the REMIX Foursquare Church’s accounting system and donations will go directly to support The King’s Table Ministry. Since The King’s Table is an outreach ministry of REMIX Church you will receive a receipt of your financial contribution via an email and the donation will be considered tax deductible under:
Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.
2 Corinthians 9:7 Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Thank you for giving to further the Kingdom of God!